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Vrije Universiteit

OncoKompas voor Zorgverleners

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When you get diagnosed with cancer you might be overwhelmed by the changes in your life. There are many things you must arrange. And the diagnose could cause physical and psychological symptoms that affect other aspects of your life, like your work or relationships. Cancer can also raise questions about how you live your life. And maybe you want to make specific lifestyle changes.

Oncokompas gives you more control over living with cancer through an online tool with  practical information and advice.

When you complete the online questionnaire we are able to measure your quality of life. The program gives you a personal well-being profile based on your answers and provides information on the relationships between symptoms.  The compass also gives information and advice on how you can improve your well-being.

When necessary we provide referrals for appropriate care options such as a healthcare provider or group course.

With this tool we empower you to take steps to take better care of yourself and provide tools and professional help when necessary.

If you want to know more go to for more information.