Nutek Europe

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Nutek Europe


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Nutek Europe is gespecialiseerd in de ontwikkeling van op maat gemaakte automatiseringsoplossingen. Met deze futuristische, geanimeerde bedrijfsvideo vertellen we wat Nutek precies doet, van start naar finish! 🏎️

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Het script

Do you want to have the most efficient workflow for PCB handling and traceability in your factory? You can become first with Nutek!

At the start, it’s all about focus, innovative solutions, and clever adjustments to create the most efficient production line as possible. We do this with our dedicated team of highly trained engineers that optimize, install, and support your line based on years of experience.

Our handling and traceability machines with N-force are reliable and will push your output to the limit from start to finish. They have the ability to maneuver in a split second and make a pit stop for checkups at any time. Solutions from Nutek are high-end and will give you control over every chicane.

So… let’s qualify together and start from pole position.

Nutek PCB Handling & Traceability… Clever as ever.

Tags: Techniek en productie