Fake news: wat is het en hoe herken je het?

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Fake News



Vertrouw jij het nieuws nog, nu we steeds vaker horen over Fake News? We leven in een tijd waarin ‘online’ leugens zo overtuigend zijn dat het moeilijk is om realiteit van fictie te onderscheiden. Tijd voor verandering! Maar hoe? Ontdek het in onze AnyStory.

De uitvoering

We leven in een tijd waarin iedereen informatie kan delen en verspreiden. Maar dit betekent ook dat veel misinformatie en fake news verspreid wordt. Je wordt misleid als publiek doordat media informatie framed en uit de context haalt. Fake news is daarom vaak moeilijk te onderscheiden van de werkelijkheid.

Ook al denk je bewust te zijn van fake news en lijk je het te herkennen, de algoritmen van social media houden je in een filter bubble. De informatie die jij ziet, is anders dan die van je buurman. Zo wordt jouw perceptie van bepaalde zaken in de wereld toch op een andere manier gevormd dan die van een ander.

Heb je dan helemaal geen controle? Jawel. Wat je hier tegen kunt  doen en hoe je fake nieuws blijft herkennen ontdek je in deze AnyStory!

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Believe it or not, there used to be a time when people actually believed the news. Newspapers and journalists strived to give us unbiased, truthful information.

Now we live in a time where “online” lies have become so convincing, it’s hard to separate reality from fiction. Fake news is mixed into regular articles and opinions.

Our information age seems to have turned into a misinformation age!
Entire industries have emerged, like Troll factories spreading lies that benefit their wallets. Renowned media often reposts without fact checking and even worse. Politicians use misinformation to strengthen their own agenda, spreading lies to help their campaigns or labeling critics that oppose them as “fake news”.

Misleading public opinion isn’t new. Propaganda’s effectiveness has ensured that many regimes around the world still use it to this day. But what’s really creepy is fake news being mixed with psychologic profiling on a global scale. Your social media behavior, interactions and interests can used to create content that is made to trigger “people like you”. The subject doesn’t matter, as long as it triggers your emotions.

Written articles, photo’s and video’s, everything is being altered. So even if you are aware of fake news, you still can’t really trust your eyes.

So how are we going to survive this info-pocalips?!

The European Union has voted in favor of a detection- and monitoring system that checks information and prevents misinformation from getting published. A so called upload-filter.

But isn’t that even worse than propaganda? A limitation on access to information and opinions? A threat to our democracy and freedom of speech? A better solutions must exist!

Since fake new destroys the credibility of social platforms, tech-giants announced to invest millions of dollars on improving their news credibility features. Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to automatically offer multiple angles on any story or article. Showing information on the publisher so that readers will always have a “built in” credibility check.

Blockchain technology could then be used to access and maintain this information network, making sure articles are not altered or biased.
Help to stop fake news from going viral. Think before you share! Need some help?

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