Genetically Modified Organisms: what is GMO?

Cooler Media

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)



Drastische maatregelen zijn nodig om de opkomende global food challenge aan te gaan. Zijn GMO’s een oplossing voor dit probleem? Politici over de hele wereld vragen zich steeds meer af: zijn GMO’s bedoeld om mensen te voeden en boeren te helpen of zijn ze ontwikkeld voor financiële winst? Check it out in deze AnyStory!

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GMO’s, ook wel Genetically Modified Organisms, zijn genetisch gemanipuleerde organismen. Met behulp van GMO’s kunnen we onze voedselproductie verhogen en efficiënter maken. Hoe worden ze gemaakt en wat zijn de voordelen? En misschien nog relevanter: wat zijn de nadelen van GMOs? Wij zetten de belangrijkste zaken voor je op een rijtje in deze AnyStory.

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Food fuels your body. It’s an essential part of everyone’s lives. And by everyone we mean a current world population of almost 8 billion people! A population that’s expected to double in the next 50 years and that already has to deal with major global food challenges. Currently 40% of the world’s food crop is lost every year and over one billion people are suffering from a lack of food. To feed this growing population in 2050, food production must increase by 70%.

How are we going to deal with this challenge? Could Genetically Modified Organisms be the solution?

GMO’s are living organisms whose genetic material is artificially manipulated. This creates combinations of plant-, animal-, bacteria-, and virus genes that do not occur in nature. For example: scientist are able to take a soil bacteria, remove it’s gene which produces a protein that’s toxic only for caterpillars and incorporate it into the chromosomes of corn.

The technology enables us to increase our food production and make it more efficient. Modified food crops will  be resistant to insects fungal diseases and extreme weather conditions. They’ll grow faster need fewer acres to grow and contain more nutrient ingredients. GMO’s can fight malnutrition and decrease CO2 emissions and water usage of green houses. Sounds good right?

Well there is also a lot of controversy about GMO’s. Since they don’t stay put where planted modified crops could contaminate nearby organics when pollen drift on the wind. Over time, pests like insects might catch up with GMO’s evolve into super bugs and therefor the use of chemicals will increase.

On an even darker note: A handful of powerful corporations could dominate the entire food industry and control nearly every aspect of how food is produced. They will not only control seed manufacturing, but also link them to specific chemicals that these companies sell in order to grow. Ultimately, their only concern is about their profits.

So are GMO’s intended to feed people and help farmers or are they developed for financial gain? Politicians all around the world are still wrapping their heads around this question. We do need drastic measures in order to deal with the upcoming global food challenge. But do we want everything that we eat to originate from a petri dish or are there better solutions?

Check out the alternatives to GMO’s in our infographic!

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