RVO – Startup Visa

RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland)

Startup Visa

Maatwerk Animatie


Met de Startup Visa van RVO kunnen jonge starters snel aan de slag als ondernemer.

Het script.

The Netherlands. For the ambitious and the pragmatic. Full of big ideas that change the future and small innovations that make daily life better. Where we work together and play together in a leading ecosystem for ambitious entrepreneurs.

The NL Startup Visa is the fast-track program for non-EU start-up founders to obtain a residence permit for the Netherlands. A visa scheme that is family friendly available to all industries and without diploma requirements. The only prerequisite is an innovative business idea.

So, how do you get started?

It’s an easy, three-step process. Prepare you affairs and have your pitch ready to go. Find the right facilitator to mentor and guide you on your journey. Finally submit your application at the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

The NL Startup Visa is your gateway to change the world. Upload your pitch deck at NL-entry.com/contact and we’ll get in touch!

Uitleganimatie laten maken?

Neem contact op voor gratis advies, we komen binnen een uur bij je terug.