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About us

Maatwerk Animatie


Van online aankoop naar het tijdig bezorgen van je pakketje. Een proces dat voor de consument vanzelfsprekend is, maar waar veel meer achter schuilgaat dan dat we soms denken. Hoe leg je zo’n proces nou het beste uit? Met een animatie!

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Het script

When your customer completes a purchase in your online store, you make a promise to deliver a package to them. It sounds so simple, but this is an extremely complex process, especially when shipping cross-border with local delivery options.

Paazl takes care of your entire delivery process. Our single API integration simplifies all phases of your delivery, saving you money on complicated integrations, and drastically decreasing customer service calls.

Our technology creates a personalized delivery experience, considering where, when, and how your customer wants their package delivered. We help you grow your business globally, by increasing conversion and customer retention, while delivering on your promise.

For more information, visit:

Paazl, the power behind the promise.